Celtic Seahorse Sterling Silver Hook Earrings TER033
These Celtic Seahorse Sterling Silver Earrings are also a favourite of ours follows the same design as Celtic Seahorse Sterling Silver Pendant TPD055. These earrings are literally “made of Celtic Knotwork” and have superb detail, balanced by the “spaces” within the Seahorse itself. This is in addition to the detail in the face, dorsal fin, and curled tail. And with a hand polished finish, these earrings are hard to beat when it comes to Seahorse sterling silver jewelry.

Celtic Seahorse Sterling Silver Pendant TPD055
This Celtic Seahorse Sterling Silver Pendant is a favorite of ours and one can clearly the quality of the artisans who create this jewelry. This Celtic Seahorse Pendant is literally “made of Celtic Knotwork” and has superb detail, balanced by the “spaces” within the Pendant itself. This in addition to the detail in the face, dorsal fin, and curled tail. And with a hand polished finish, Seahorse Pendants do not get much better than this! This piece of jewelry is rapidly becoming one of the most popular Seahorse designs.

Celtic Shark Sterling Silver Hook Earrings TER029
These superb Celtic Shark Sterling Silver Hook Earrings uses the same design as Celtic Shark Sterling Silver Pendant TPD066 and are the perfect compliment. The earrings are superbly made with excellent detail encompassing the same Celtic Knotwork style you have seen throughout our collections. This is a plain hand polished set of 925 silver earrings with some black oxide to highlight the knotwork worked into the tail.

Celtic Shark Sterling Silver Pendant TPD066
One our favorite designs!! This Celtic Shark Sterling Silver Pendant is an excellent example of the DiveSilver design team. It is a superb jewelry design with excellent detail encompassing the same Celtic Knotwork style you have seen throughout our collections. This is a plain hand polished 925 silver deign with some black oxide to highlight the knotwork worked into the tail.

Clownfish Sterling Silver Pendant TP2425
Clownfish Sterling Silver Pendant: Everyone loves Nemo! In fact Nemo is probably the most iconic tropical reef fish, whose real name is a Clownfish or Anemonefish. This cute Clownfish 925 Sterling Silver Pendant is a great little pendant, made from the highest quality 925 sterling silver. We had to choose a colour as Clownfish come in many colors. We settled on orange, probably the most common Clownfish colour, so we used an orange enamel. Followed by a hand polished finish to complete the design.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver Bead with Red and White Enamel TBD134
This cool Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pandora Style Bead, or Charm Bead, is part of the Dive Flag collection and a perfect addition to your bracelet. It is designed with the same artwork and style as the Dive Flag Pendants and Earrings but in the form of a Bead. It is made from sterling silver with red and white enamel for the flag itself. Simple and effective it matches the other Dive Tank designs perfectly.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver Boxed Set with Red and White Enamel SET018
I think one of the first things I think we remember in scuba diving, apart from the “OK” signal is the Dive Flag. How many of us remember proudly buying our first “Dive T-Shirt” with the Dive Flag clearly visible.
This excellent Dive Flag Boxed Set consists of hook earrings (TE2028), pendant (TP1362), and 18″ chain. The Dive Flag Sterling Silver jewelry pendants and earrings were designed to complement each other, so what better way to get the collection that buying it as a Boxed Set complete with chain.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pendant with Red and White Enamel TP1362
I think one of the first things I think we remember in scuba diving, apart from the “OK” signal is the Dive Flag. How many of us remember proudly buying our first “Dive T-Shirt” with the Dive Flag clearly visible. This Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pendant is the wider of our two Dive Flag Pendants. It is made of the best 925 silver with red and white enamels used to make the colored flag.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pendant with Red and White Enamel TP2705
I think one of the first things I think we remember in scuba diving, apart from the “OK” signal is the Dive Flag. How many of us remember proudly buying our first “Dive T-Shirt” with the Dive Flag clearly visible. This Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pendant is the “squarer” and smaller of our two Dive Flag Pendants. It is made of the best 925 silver with red and white enamels used to make the colored flag.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver with Red and White Enamel Hook Earrings TE2028
These Dive Flag Sterling Silver with Red and White Enamel Hook Earrings were designed to complement the Dive Flag Pendants, or to worn as great pieces of jewelry on their own. They are made of the best 925 silver with red and white enamels used to make the colored flag.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver with Red and White Enamel Stud Earrings TE2622
I think one of the first things I think we remember in scuba diving, apart from the “OK” signal is the Dive Flag. How many of us remember proudly buying our first “Dive T-Shirt” with the Dive Flag clearly visible.
These Dive Flag Sterling Silver with Red and White Enamel Stud Earrings were designed to complement the Dive Flag Pendants, or to be worn as great pieces of jewelry on their own. They are small, subtle, and made of the best 925 silver with red and white enamels used to make the colored flag.

Dive Mask and Snorkel Sterling Silver Bead TBD137
No one forgets the first time they used a Mask and Snorkel, whether it was for Scuba Diving or for Snorkeling This wonderfully detailed Mask and Snorkel Pandora Style Bead, or Charm Bead, is a perfect addition to your bracelet. This is an amazing design which adapts the Dive Mask and Snorkel Sterling Silver Charm TC606 in an intricate bead. This bead has a huge amount of detail and with the hand polished finish really is a Bead to be proud of.