Mermaid Tail Large with Enamel Sterling Silver Pendant TPD4899
This is a large beautiful Sterling Silver Mermaid’s Tail Pendant and sure to delight any Mermaid Lover. The Pendant is similar in style to TPD4900, however it is bigger and available in multiple colours. This design was “modelled” onto today’s Mermaids you have probably seen at Dive Shows or on TV, hence the mixed colours in the tail. There are actually FOUR different mixtures of colours, the same as we have seen Mermaid’s wearing, along with the traditional light blue. This is a large, formidable, and bold piece of jewelry suitable for all Mermaid Lovers.

Mermaid Tail with Blue Enamel Sterling Silver Pendant TPD4900
This beautiful Sterling Silver Mermaid’s Tail Pendant is sure to delight any Mermaid Lover. The Pendant was designed with a light Blue Enamel inlay to create that “ocean feel” combined with the natural flow in the design of the Mermaid’s Tail.

Mermaid Tail with Enamel Sterling Silver Hook Earrings TER1646
This stunning set Mermaid Tail with Enamel Sterling Silver Hook Earrings are from the same collection as the Sterling Silver Mermaid’s Tail Pendants. These beautiful earrings are designed with the same Blue Enamel inlay to create that “ocean feel”, combined with the natural flow of the Mermaid’s Tail. The earrings complement the Pendants perfectly.

Mermaid with Trinity Knot Sterling Silver Pendant TPD4154
An exquisite “new addition” to the “Mermaid Collection” this circular Mermaid with Trinity Knot Sterling Silver Pendant is a must for any Mermaid Lover. The artwork is a new more modern style we are seeing appearing in certain designs from the Design Team. It was some amazing detail on the scales on the tail and with a Celtic Knot worked carefully into the “fin” of the tail. And of course, finished with hand polishing.

Mermaids Oracle Sterling Silver Pendant with Gem TPD4897
Wrapped with elegance, this superbly crafted Mermaids Oracle Sterling Silver Pendant is part of the Ocean Goddess Collection. The detail of the scales on the tail and the way the “fin” splits to capture the movement of the waters and calmness of being motionless underwater, is combined into this one piece of Sterling Silver jewelry. And finished with a gem held as in worship of the oceans.

Mola Mola Sunfish Sterling Silver Pendant TP2330
This Mola Mola Sunfish Sterling Silver Pendant is part of our popular Mola Mola Sunfish Collection and the pendant is the smallest of our Mola Mola pendants. The design was kept as a simple Sterling Silver handcrafted and hand polished design without any gems, to emphasis the simplicity, dependability, and unique shape of the Sunfish. We added a touch of black oxide added to emphasize the tail fin and the eyes.

Mola Mola Sunfish Sterling Silver Stud Earrings TER1641
No DiveSilver Collection would be complete without earrings, hence our Mola Mola Sunfish Sterling Silver Stud Earrings. Designed for those who prefer a subtle, unobtrusive touch of the Mola Mola about them these hand polished Mola Mola Sunfish Sterling Silver Stud Earrings are just what you want.

Movable Sea Turtle Sterling Silver Pendant WP032
This unique Movable Sea Turtle Sterling Silver Pendant design was designed with moving flippers. It is was crafted as pendant to allow easy viewing and handling which you move the flippers. So, you will be able to wear your unique Movable Sea Turtle Pendant and show your friends and loved ones. Turtles have swum for miles across huge distances, and here you can see the Turtle “in action” with its uniquely designed moving flippers.

Octopus Sterling Silver Pendant TP1706
Fluidity, mystery, and flexibility are just some of the words used to describe Octopus. This Octopus Sterling Silver Pendant was designed to inspire and remind its wearer of their own attributes. Although Octopus can change their colours, we kept this as simple, smooth, hand polished silver, design of sparkling silver. And you move down the pendant you can see how the design uses the movement of the tentacles curling upwards as the focus of the imagery.

Octopus Sterling Silver Pendant TP2450
This Octopus Sterling Silver Pendant is one of the oldest designs still in production 20 years later and still a popular item. The pendant was designed with the focus being the tentacles which creates a more compact “rounder” octopus pendant, than the modern design TP1706. The fine artwork can be clearly seen in the suckers of the tentacles, as well as the almost cheeky looking eyes.

Pipefish Sterling Silver Pendant TP3351
The Pipefish Sterling Silver Pendant is one of the larger designs and was created to celebrate the many species of Pipefish that we, as Scuba Divers, are blessed to dive with. We used a design of polished sterling silver without gems, and the result is superb. You can really see the craftmanship with the clear, fine detail in this design, especially the “spikey” body, snout and fins.

Quadruple Hammerhead Shark Sterling Silver Necklace TNC296
The Hammerhead Shark Schooling Sterling Silver Pendant was designed to help capture the mysterious energy scuba divers get from diving with Schooling Hammerhead Sharks. Fashioned in smooth, hand polished Sterling, this Hammerhead Shark Pendant is a powerful addition to your jewelry collection.