Big Eye Thresher Shark Sterling Silver with Gemstones Pendant TPD5064
Another of the newer designs The Big Eye Thresher Shark Sterling Silver Pendant uses the same smooth polished Sterling Silver but fashioned with a new more “space age” or “modern” look. You can see the way the shark curves with the Thresher Shark tail circling round to meet with its head. And with the added “Black Spinel Eyes” this is one of the most innovative and popular recent designs.

Celtic Manta Ray Sterling Silver Hook Earrings TER037
This stunning set of Celtic Manta Ray Sterling Silver Hook Earrings were created with the same love and message as the Small Celtic Manta Ray Sterling Silver Pendant TPD4814. They encompass the same Celtic Knotwork worked into the wings, finished with beautiful a Gem worked into the forehead, with hand polished finish.

Keeper of the Ocean Sterling Silver Pendant TPD4898
The superbly crafted Keeper of the Ocean Sterling Silver Pendant is a beautiful, large piece of jewelry and is part of the Ocean Goddess Collection. The detail in this handcrafted Sterling Silver Pendant focuses on the fine details from the flowing hair, down hand polished, streamlined upper body finishing with the scales of her tail. And finished with a gem held high in reverence of the oceans.

Manta Ray Sterling Silver Hook Earrings with Papua Shell Inlay TE2500
These top-selling Manta Ray hook earrings was created with Palua Shell infused into the wings. These are Sterling Silver Manta Earrings that truly shows the craftsmanship of DiveSilver Design Team. Impressive, highly polished pieces of Manta Jewelry worthy of your loved ones.

Mermaids Oracle Sterling Silver Pendant with Gem TPD4897
Wrapped with elegance, this superbly crafted Mermaids Oracle Sterling Silver Pendant is part of the Ocean Goddess Collection. The detail of the scales on the tail and the way the “fin” splits to capture the movement of the waters and calmness of being motionless underwater, is combined into this one piece of Sterling Silver jewelry. And finished with a gem held as in worship of the oceans.

Scuba Divers in Love Large Sterling Silver Pendant with Ruby heart TP2685
As a scuba diver, we LOVE scuba diving, and there is nothing we have found more exhilarating in life than sharing our passion of the underwater world and scuba diving with someone you LOVE!
This beautiful Large Sterling Silver Pendant is the “ultimate” SPECIAL gift for any scuba diving couple wishing to show their love of each other and the underwater world. Or for you to show your love to the person you want to be your Diving Buddy for life. This superb sterling silver pendant has all the detail in the divers you would expect worked into the design, with the focus being on the ruby heart they are holding together. And of course, with a superb hand polished so your love shines.

Scuba Divers in Love Small Sterling Silver Pendant with Ruby Heart TPD4782
As a scuba diver, we LOVE scuba diving, and there is nothing we have found more exhilarating in life than sharing our passion of the underwater world and scuba diving with someone you LOVE!

Small Celtic Manta Ray Sterling Silver Pendant TPD4814
This is a wonderful small sized Sterling Silver Manta Ray Pendant and one of our most popular. The Small Celtic Manta Ray Sterling Silver Pendant has Celtic Knotwork worked into the wings and is finished with a beautiful gem mounted on its forehead. It is the perfect mate for our Celtic Manta Ray Hook Earrings.

Underwater Photographer Sterling Silver Pendant with Gem TP2715
This beautifully designed Sterling Silver Pendant captures what some of us love best about scuba diving, Underwater Photography. This Underwater Photographer Sterling Silver Pendant with Gem is an excellently designed, large, solid piece of jewelry. Made from the highest quality sterling silver the design team put a lot of effort and detail into the design. From the diver’s mask, regulator, tank, wetsuit, fins, weight belt and of course camera. This design really has more detail than you can imagine, and it comes with a gem fitted to be the camera lens, and of course with hand polished finish.

Underwater Photographer Vertical Sterling Silver Pendant with Gem TP2721
This Underwater Photographer Vertical Sterling Silver Pendant with Ruby is an excellently designed, large, solid piece of jewelry. Made from the highest quality sterling silver the design team put a lot of effort and detail into the design. From the diver’s mask, regulator, tank, wetsuit, fins, weight belt and of course camera. This design really has more detail than you can imagine, and it comes with a gem fitted to be the camera lens, and of course with hand polished finish.