Dive Flag Sterling Silver Bead with Red and White Enamel TBD134
This cool Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pandora Style Bead, or Charm Bead, is part of the Dive Flag collection and a perfect addition to your bracelet. It is designed with the same artwork and style as the Dive Flag Pendants and Earrings but in the form of a Bead. It is made from sterling silver with red and white enamel for the flag itself. Simple and effective it matches the other Dive Tank designs perfectly.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver Boxed Set with Red and White Enamel SET018
I think one of the first things I think we remember in scuba diving, apart from the “OK” signal is the Dive Flag. How many of us remember proudly buying our first “Dive T-Shirt” with the Dive Flag clearly visible.
This excellent Dive Flag Boxed Set consists of hook earrings (TE2028), pendant (TP1362), and 18″ chain. The Dive Flag Sterling Silver jewelry pendants and earrings were designed to complement each other, so what better way to get the collection that buying it as a Boxed Set complete with chain.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pendant with Red and White Enamel TP1362
I think one of the first things I think we remember in scuba diving, apart from the “OK” signal is the Dive Flag. How many of us remember proudly buying our first “Dive T-Shirt” with the Dive Flag clearly visible. This Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pendant is the wider of our two Dive Flag Pendants. It is made of the best 925 silver with red and white enamels used to make the colored flag.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pendant with Red and White Enamel TP2705
I think one of the first things I think we remember in scuba diving, apart from the “OK” signal is the Dive Flag. How many of us remember proudly buying our first “Dive T-Shirt” with the Dive Flag clearly visible. This Dive Flag Sterling Silver Pendant is the “squarer” and smaller of our two Dive Flag Pendants. It is made of the best 925 silver with red and white enamels used to make the colored flag.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver with Red and White Enamel Hook Earrings TE2028
These Dive Flag Sterling Silver with Red and White Enamel Hook Earrings were designed to complement the Dive Flag Pendants, or to worn as great pieces of jewelry on their own. They are made of the best 925 silver with red and white enamels used to make the colored flag.

Dive Flag Sterling Silver with Red and White Enamel Stud Earrings TE2622
I think one of the first things I think we remember in scuba diving, apart from the “OK” signal is the Dive Flag. How many of us remember proudly buying our first “Dive T-Shirt” with the Dive Flag clearly visible.
These Dive Flag Sterling Silver with Red and White Enamel Stud Earrings were designed to complement the Dive Flag Pendants, or to be worn as great pieces of jewelry on their own. They are small, subtle, and made of the best 925 silver with red and white enamels used to make the colored flag.

Nudibranch Sterling Silver Pendant TPD091
Nudibranchs tend to be something you love or hate, at least that is we have seen over the years running our dive operations. Some divers simply cannot get enough of them while others are not interested at all.
There are over 3,000 species of Nudibranch which are the most colorful group of creatures in the world. This Nudibranch Sterling Silver Pendant is of the Tambja Verconis Nudibranch, a very popular Nudibranch to see diving on our Phuket Dive Sites. Divers love Nudibranchs for their incredible range of colours and different appearances.

Nudibranch Sterling Silver Pendant TPD092
Nudibranchs tend to be something you love or hate, at least that is we have seen over the years running our dive operations. Some divers simply cannot get enough of them while others are not interested at all.

Whale Tail Aboriginal Sterling Silver Earrings TER1610
These exquisitely designed Whale Tail Aboriginal Sterling Silver Earrings are made in the same style as the Whale Tail Aboriginal Sterling Silver Pendant TP2327. And is the perfect set of earrings to wear in conjunction with the Aboriginal pendant. They have the same “classic Whale Tail” shape, but with superb aboriginal designs worked into the tails. These are enhanced with black oxide to bring you a stunning set of sterling silver earrings.

Whale Tail with Enamel Sterling Silver Earring TER1653
This is a clever set of Whale Tail with Enamel Sterling Silver Hook Earrings are similar to the TER1649 in style and design but at the same time very different. The “curve” of the tail is wider, and it has a beautifully crafted fine silver design within the tail. And it is within this silver design that the inlay of blue enamel is set. And of course, with our hand polished finish.

Whale Tail with Enamel Sterling Silver Hook Earrings TER1649
This is a very stylish set of Whale Tail with Enamel Sterling Silver Hook Earrings and are a very popular design, especially in Asia. These sterling silver earrings. The Whale Tail is made of sterling silver, but this design is more “curvy” than the “Classic Whale Tail”. Fitted beautifully into the “curves” of the tail is the light blue enamel. And of course, with our hand polished finish.